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I thought of updating yesterday but I was too tired and call it a day. Yesterday morning, I heard the municiple worker, cutting the grass outside our house. I[...]
Source: mamafami.blogspot.comHello everyone. I am back... hopefully to stay. This blog had been hibernating for more than 2 years! Gosh! How time flies. I didn't realise that I had been[...]
Source: mamafami.blogspot.comCHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES INGREDIENTS A : 250g margarine 1 1/4 cups brown sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla essence 1 egg Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Then add[...]
Source: mamafami.blogspot.comPIZZA BASE Ingredients : 250g high protein flour/bread flour 30g sugar a pinch of salt 1 whole egg 90ml chilled water from the fridge 50g margarine 4g instant[...]
Source: mamafami.blogspot.comCORNFLAKES COOKIES INGREDIENTS : 1 cup caster sugar (130g) 3 cups flour (320g) 10 oz margarine (288g) 2 egg yolks 1 box of Cornflakes 1 teaspoon vanilla[...]
Source: mamafami.blogspot.comMAMA CARRIES Source : Noni Ingredients : 300 g butter 400 g flour (I took out 1/4 cup) 130 g cornflour 100 g icing sugar 1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence Topping :[...]
Source: mamafami.blogspot.comAFRICAN MARBLE CAKE Source : Roshayati Johari @ RNet INGREDIENTS : 250 g self raising flour 200 g caster sugar 300 g eggs - weigh without shells 1 tablespoon[...]
Source: mamafami.blogspot.comCHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES Sumber asal : Instagram Dr. @maryamliyana 150g majerin Planta 120g gula kaster 90g gula perang 1 biji telur 2 sudu teh esen vanilla 1/4[...]
Source: mamafami.blogspot.comLASAGNA TUNA DAN SAYUR 1. Rebus cauliflower sampai lembut. Toskan air dan mash. Ketepikan. 2. Letak sikit olive oil atas kuali dan grillkan shitake mushroom.[...]
Source: mamafami.blogspot.comPIZZA TELUR BAHAN-BAHAN : cendawan shitake segar - hiris nipis isi ayam - rebus dengan sedikit garam dan carikkan capiscum merah, kuning dan hijau - hiris[...]
Source: mamafami.blogspot.com1 BOWL FRUIT PASTRY CAKE BAHAN-BAHAN : 226 gr tepung naik sendiri 160 g gula kastor 150 g salted hutter - dicairkan dan biarkan sedikit sejuk 3 biji telur Gred[...]
Source: mamafami.blogspot.comPAU KACANG MERAH 1 1/4 cawan air sejuk 1/2 cawan gula Pewarna merah jambu 500g tepung pau 1 sudu kecil baking powder 1 sudu kecil yis segera 50g (1/4 cawan)[...]
Source: mamafami.blogspot.comSWEET BUN Adapted from : Tok Mak's Sweet Bun Raisins @tok.mak Ingredients : 1 egg * 2 tablespoon condensed milk* 250 ml iced water * (egg + condensed milk +[...]
Source: mamafami.blogspot.comSAMBAL DAGING MENGGUNAKAN PPC Bahan-bahan : Daging - dihiris Bawang merah - ditumbuk Cili kisar Air asam jawa garam secukup rasa Air Santan Bawang besar -[...]
Source: mamafami.blogspot.comCUCUR PASTA KURMA DAN AYAM Bahan-bahan : Pasta Milkflow star - direbus dan ditoskan Daging ayam dikisar (ma guna minced chicken Ramly) Tepung Mozarella Cheese[...]
Source: mamafami.blogspot.com